This is how it comes through the cold season

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Important factors for wintering the hardworking Lizzie

Various factors can damage or at least weaken the hard-working lizx when it hibernates:

  • too late wintering
  • Pest infestation
  • planting out too early in the field

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While some palms and citrus plants can stay outside until the first frosts, it should sensitive, hardworking lizards brought into the house at average temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius will. That should be in the spring Planting out never stand in front of the ice saints in the garden calendar. The hard-working Lieschen are usually not frequented by Diseases and pests afflicted. With a close look at each individual plant, however, you can make sure that there are pests such as aphids or the Red spider do not multiply in winter quarters.

The ideal winter quarters and perfect winter care

A basic requirement for wintering is the brightest possible winter quarters for the hardworking Lieschen. It does not have to be a regularly heated room at room temperature, but the average temperature should not be permanently below 10 degrees Celsius. Bright corridors, winter gardens or stairwells are ideal. You should not plant the plants during the winter dormancy that automatically occurs due to the shorter times of the day in the hardworking Lieschen

fertilize. In addition, the pouring should also be limited to a relatively economical level.

Hard-working lizards multiply over the winter

The winter can be used to easily take care of the hardworking Lieschen yourself multiply. In addition to growing the plants from seeds, you can have cuttings rooted indoors. To do this, put the head cuttings cut in autumn in pots with a permeable plant substrate. Keep it evenly moist, this is even easier with a plastic bag placed over it. After about 3 to 4 weeks, the cuttings should have their first roots so that you can remove the bags from the pots.


There the hardworking Lieschen non-toxic it can safely be overwintered on the windowsill.