Currant varieties »An overview of the most important

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The main varieties

  • Red currants
  • Black currants
  • White currants
  • Red currants

When buying, look for resistant currant varieties that are resistant to Currant diseases and -pests are resistant.

also read

  • Fine dishes with strained currants
  • When is the best time to cut currants?
  • Cutting red currants - you have to pay attention!

Red currants

They are the most famous currants. They are characterized by their fresh red color. The taste is sweet with a slightly sour undertone.

  • "Heinemanns Rote Spätlese" - blooms late, bears a lot of fruit, for immediate eating and To process suitable
  • "Makosta" - dark red, very aromatic noble variety
  • “Rolan” - early harvest, resistant to fungal diseases
  • “Rovada” - large, medium-red berries with a very good aroma
  • "Telake" - bears very well, resistant to many currant diseases

Black currants

The aroma of fresh blackcurrants is not for everyone because of the tart taste. Because of the high acid content, they are mainly processed with a lot of sugar into desserts, jelly and juice.

  • “Bona” - very aromatic
  • "Ometa" - richly bearing variety with aromatic berries, resistant to most diseases and pests
  • “Silvergieters Schwarze” - cross-pollination necessary, aromatic and less tart than other varieties
  • "Titania" - very large berries, resistant to fungal diseases and pests
  • "KieRoyal" - precocious, sweet, rainproof berries

White currants

White currants are not as aromatic and somewhat milder than the red varieties.

  • "Blanka" - medium early ready to harvest
  • "Champagne" - fruity aroma, reminiscent of champagne
  • “White Versailles” - very large, sugar-sweet berries, suitable for fresh consumption

Red currants or ornamental currants

They are only grown for their beautiful spring blooms. Numerous small, bright red buds form on long panicles. White and red and white varieties are also already on the market.

The plant produces few fruits that have hardly any aroma of their own and are therefore unsuitable for consumption. Poisonous but the berries are not.

  • "King Edward VII" - often found in home gardens
  • "Atrorubens" - ideal for flower hedges
  • "Snowflame" - white-red flowers
  • "White Icicle" - white panicle flowers

Tips & Tricks

Black currants are called cassis in French. They are the basis for all desserts, liqueurs and other dishes with the tart, spicy taste of the black berries.