Grow French beans in the greenhouse

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The pros and cons of French beans in the greenhouse

Growing French beans in the greenhouse has both advantages and disadvantages:
The advantages:

  • the French beans can be sown earlier and therefore harvested earlier
  • the French beans grow a little faster
  • they are less susceptible to the bean fly
  • Damage or crop failure due to late frost is almost impossible

also read

  • Growing beans: a guide
  • Growing green beans in the garden
  • Prefer beans in cold frames and in the greenhouse

The only disadvantage:

  • You need to water the French beans every day as rain does not fall on the beans

When can beans be sown in the greenhouse?

Since the temperatures in the greenhouse are significantly higher than outdoors, beans can be sown here as early as the end of April. The soil temperatures should be at the sowing above 8 ° C and the air temperature at least 12 ° C. The warmer the ground and the air, the faster the French beans germinate. the Germination time is usually 10 to 30 days.

How long does it take to harvest?

The time to harvest is shortened by up to two weeks when growing in the greenhouse. Instead of the usual eight to ten weeks, you can harvest your French beans in the greenhouse after about six weeks.

How are French beans grown in the greenhouse?

Bush beans are poor eaters, but that doesn't mean they don't need nutrients. It is therefore advisable to mix a portion of compost into the soil before sowing.
The most important key data for successful cultivation in the greenhouse are:

  • The seeds are planted 3 to 4 cm deep.
  • A Plant spacing from 30 to 40cm is advisable.
  • French beans like a sunny or partially shaded spot.
  • In contrast to runner beans, bush beans do not need any Climbing aidbecause they don't get very high.
  • Bush beans in the greenhouse should be watered daily. The soil should never dry out, especially until germination.

The best neighbors for French beans

Bush beans are poor eaters, but still do not get along with all plants. Savory, strawberries or potatoes are best suited as plant neighbors for the French beans. Read about other good neighbors and which vegetables you should definitely not combine with French beans here.


Grow your French beans in the greenhouse and then plant them in the garden bed in May. So you have all the advantages together.

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