How often, with what and how much?

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How often does an efeutute have to be fertilized?

Efeututen grow quite quickly, but only have a medium nutritional requirement. Fertilize a crop every two to three weeks. When using Fertilizer stick(€ 9.82 at Amazon *) you need to fertilize at most every three months.

also read

  • Tips for the correct care of the efeutute
  • In indoor culture, the Efeutute does not develop a flower
  • Maintain efeutute in hydroponics

Which fertilizer is suitable for efeututen?

  • Liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks
  • Fertilizer sticks every three months or less
  • Aquarium or pond water as irrigation water
  • Do not fertilize after repotting

Use a commercially available liquid fertilizer for fertilization, which you add to the irrigation water. If you have a Aquarium or have a pond, you can use the pond or aquarium water for fertilization.

Drag the Efeutute in hydroponics, buy special fertilizers for hydroponics. Another option are fertilizer sticks that like Slow release fertilizer work and only need to be renewed every three months or even less frequently.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions. It is better to give a little less fertilizer than recommended in order to avoid over-fertilizing the efeutute.

Do not fertilize immediately after repotting

After this Repot Efeututen may not be fertilized at first. Sufficient nutrients are available in fresh plant substrate to supply the efeutute.

You can only add some fertilizer again after several months.

If you repot the efeutute every year, you can dispense with fertilizing entirely.

Efeututen are not fertilized in winter

Efeututen are only fertilized during the growth phase. It lasts from March to October. In the winter from November to February the Efeutute is not fertilized. During this time, she also gets less water.


Efeututen do not climb up trellises by means of their aerial roots. You must therefore tie the tendrils or fasten them with clips. The clamps must not be too tight, otherwise the udder will yellow leaves gets and the tendrils can die.

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