This is how the paulownia can be cut back

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The regular cut ensures that your bluebell tree grows thickly and evenly. A tree that is pruned late, on the other hand, appears inharmonious or even mutilated. Sick or damaged shoots should be removed immediately from each tree.

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Can I keep the bluebell tree small by pruning it?

If you want your bluebell tree to remain small overall, cut the main shoot below the desired height, just above a pair of buds. If you break out one of these buds, no bifurcation will form there, only a single leading shoot will grow. Shorten all other shoots so that the shape you want emerges.

What should I consider when cutting my paulownia?

The bluebell tree is quite compatible with pruning and can withstand radical pruning quite well. You can do it about every two years if you have your Keep Paulownia small want and shorten the upper shoots to a few centimeters.

When thinning out, on the other hand, you only remove sick, dead and damaged branches as well as shoots that are too close together. Ideally, make this cut after the

blossom before the new buds form in autumn for the next year.

The pruning in spring

In spring you should definitely examine your bluebell tree for frost damage and remove it. The best thing to do is to wait for the last late frosts. Only with increasing age does it become more or less hardy. However, the buds and young shoots are still quite delicate.

If individual shoots freeze to death in winter, bifurcations with one strong and one weak shoot form there. You can easily cut out the weaker shoot and thus control further growth. This measure is particularly recommended for the main shoots of a young bluebell tree.

The essentials in brief:

  • Regular pruning is not mandatory but makes sense
  • Radical cut every two years
  • Clearance cut yearly


With a targeted and regular pruning, you can keep a bluebell tree reasonably small.

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