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Gravel and stones create dynamism - it's the combination that counts

Gravel and stones are predestined for the front garden design according to modern criteria. The Mediterranean or Japanese rock garden. Thanks to the variety of grain sizes and colors, you can skillfully capture the mood you want. With a well-considered composition of the various elements, you can bring modern dynamism to the appearance at the same time. Let these tips inspire you:

  • Angular stones interlock better to form a stable base
  • Round pebbles crunch when stepping on and roll around uncontrollably
  • Different grain sizes create dynamics, such as 32-45 mm as a stream simulation and 16-25 mm as a bank simulation
  • Gravel and stones in warm earth colors create a Mediterranean flair
  • True-to-style contrasts in the Japanese garden are created with white, gray and black pebbles

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  • Design the front yard in a modern way - ideas for the modern front yard design
  • Simply design the front yard - this is how it works with stones and plants
  • Stylishly beautify the front yard - ideas from modern to nostalgic

When you redesign your garden in front of the house, sober aspects play a role in the considerations. In order for your visitors to get to the front door with a safe step, stone slabs should act as a step surface that you lay between the gravel. This caution will be particularly appreciated by women with high-heeled shoes.

The best plants for the rock garden - modern and easy to care for

The conditions in the stone bed are different from those in the classic garden bed. Therefore, if you are redesigning your front yard with stones, the planting plan will be composed of survivors who will not be a problem with drought and summer heat. The following species and varieties have been proven to meet these requirements and are both modern and easy to care for:

  • Leading plant: spring cherry (Prunus 'Accolade') or Ball trumpet tree 'Nana' (Catalpa bignoides)
  • Subshrubs: Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) or Beard flower (Caryopteris x clandonensis)
  • Blooming highlights: Sedum plant (Sedum), ornamental sage (Salvia) or pearl baskets (Anaphalis)
  • Filigree grasses: diamond grass (Calamagrostis brachytricha) and mosquito grass (Bouteloua gracilis)

Onion flowers provide spring-fresh blooms when the perennials and flowering trees in the rock garden still remain in winter calm. Under the special conditions in the stone bed, there are classics like snowdrop and crocuses with their weakness for moist Penumbra out of place. Sun-loving imperial crowns (Fritillaria imperialis), steppe candles (Eremurus) or checkerboard flowers (Fritillaria meleagris) feel better cared for.


With narrow Gabions as an enclosure, you stylishly round off the modern design of your front yard. Galvanized wire baskets measuring 200 x 100 x 15 cm and filled with light-colored stones are recommended. In this way, you can create reliable privacy protection without optically crushing the tightly measured area.