Make bird bath out of stone yourself

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Work on stone

There must be a large enough recess in a stone to fill it with water for birds. By nature, no specimen is suitable as a bird bath, it must first be processed. Although there are stones of different hardness, special tools must be used for each processing. The easiest way to get a stone bird bath is to sign up for a course. There you will be provided with the necessary tools and explained how to use them.

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If you want to create stone works of art on a regular basis, it is worth purchasing the tools for you. Stones can also be bought specifically for such purposes.

Cast stone model

At home, working with stone casting is easier to do. This is mixed like concrete and poured into a suitable mold. Cement, water, sand and color pigments are used for its manufacture. You can get these materials at the hardware store. You also need two plastic bowls of different sizes that serve as a casting mold. They shouldn't be too deep. The later bird bath must have approximately the following dimensions:

  • at least 30 cm in diameter
  • in the middle approx. 10 cm depth
  • only a few cm deep at the edge
  • a smooth transition is ideal

How the outside of the bird bath is designed later does not play a decisive role in its function. Much more important is where you get the Set up bird bathso that the birds don't get through cats sneaking around are at risk.

Instructions for construction

  1. Brush both bowls with oil. The large bowl on the inside and the small one on the outside.
  2. Prepare the stone casting according to the instructions.
  3. Pour the stone casting into the large bowl. Shake to allow air bubbles to escape. Move the bowl back and forth so that the pouring can spread evenly.
  4. Then put the smaller bowl inside. If necessary, weigh them down with pebbles or sand.
  5. The mold is left to harden for a few days.
  6. When the stone casting is dry, you can remove the bird bath from the mold.

Postprocess the bird bath

You can further process the bird bath with an abrasive tool such as a sanding sponge. The edge in particular should be sanded flat and rounded. Pure stone casting is already visually appealing. However, you can paint the bird bath as you wish.