Here's how to do it right

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Shrub for gardens and containers

The olive herb, often also called green cypress herb, is hardy. It can therefore be planted out permanently. The densely branched crown, which is covered with numerous mini-flowers in summer, also comes into its own in a tub. But in this case the coming winter should also be considered, because a pot specimen must be safe overwinter.

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Find the best place

The olive herb feels good when it finds the following conditions in its location:

  • plenty of sun and warmth
  • a well drained, stony or sandy soil
  • which is also calcareous and poor in nutrients

The herb bed is ideal, where the plant harmonizes wonderfully with lavender, sage and rosemary. Olive herbs are also well placed in the upper area of ​​a rock garden.

Plant the Mediterranean herb

You can get a young plant in stores or by hand Multiplication. For example through sowing, Cuttings or division. It is planted in spring, on a frost-free day. Maintain a distance of at least 30 cm from other plants, because the olive herb will increase in size.

Olive herbs don't like wet soil. In the bucket it is essential to have a drainage layer made of gravel or Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) to pay attention. Loamy soil in the garden must first be loosened with sand.

Care of the olive herb

Of course, the olive herb must be well watered after planting and until it is fully rooted. After that, Santolina viridis, as the botanical name is, needs little Care.

  • Water in the bed only if it is long-term dry
  • Let the earth dry in the bucket from time to time
  • only fertilize during the growing season
  • once a month with liquid fertilizer
  • only from the second year cut


If you have chosen the olive herb not only as an ornamental plant, you should rather provide it with compost or another organic fertilizer. This is how healthy organic twigs get into the saucepan.

Beginning of the harvest season

The olive herb is edible and its taste is reminiscent of pickled olives. Be cautious about harvesting immediately after planting. The plant needs its leaves to generate energy for new growth. You can only cut off more and more for the saucepan as the number of new shoots increases.