Grow the cornel as a hedge

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That is why the Cornelian cherry is suitable as a hedge plant

  • Early flowering
  • Ecologically valuable
  • Edible fruits
  • Color of leaves in autumn
  • Good cutting ability
  • Slow growth
  • Pretty tough
  • Rarely pest infestation
  • Undemanding

The early flowering takes place Bumblebees and bees in the garden. the fruit are eaten by birds and humans alike. That is why the Cornelian cherry is one of the ecologically valuable hedge plants.

also read

  • Why is it when the Cornelian cherry doesn't bloom?
  • The Cornelian cherry - a profile
  • The taste of the cornel cherry is not for everyone

Of course, there are also disadvantages. Above all, the rather high space requirement of the Cornelian cherry plays a role. If you only have little space, you shouldn't create a pure cornelian hedge, but rather plant smaller hedge bushes in between.

The cornel sheds its leaves in autumn. If you want a year-round dense privacy screen, it is better to opt for other plants.

Create a hedge

The Cornelian cherry grows best in a warm, sunny location location

. The soil should be slightly humus and well drained. The Cornelian cherry gets a little lime very well.

Mark the course of the future hedge, dig up the soil and improve it with mature compost.

Planting Cornelian cherries

It is best to use pre-selected ones or yourself increased Cornelian cherriesthat are already 1.50 meters high.

Plant the trees about 80 to 100 centimeters apart.

The roots of the cornel cherry cannot hold their own against strong competition. Therefore, make sure that there are as few other plants with strong roots as possible in the vicinity in the first few years.

Maintain the cornel cherry hedge properly

After setting, water the cornels well. A mulch cover under the trees has proven to be very cheap. It ensures constant warmth and moisture.

If the hedge has grown in well, you only need to water it in exceptional cases. Fertilize is usually superfluous.

Cut the cornel hedge

In order for the Cornelian cherry hedge to keep its shape and become nice and dense, you need to cut it regularly. You should create a hedge that looks as natural as possible and do not cut the cornel cherries straight on the sides and top.

The best time to Cut is right after flowering in March or April. In doing so, however, you remove many of the dead flowers that would later produce fruit.

Basically, you can prune the hedge very hard at any time. Remember, however, that the flowers form on the annual wood. If you cut too much, the hedge will hardly or not at all in the spring not bloom and do not bear fruit either.


Cutting the hedge can sometimes be extremely difficult. Everyone's wood Cornelian cherry varieties is very hard and heavy, so it is best to have a powerful electricalHedge trimmer(€ 77.00 at Amazon *) purchase.