Use imperial crown against mole

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Poisonous onion with a strong odor

the Imperial Crown (Fritillaria imperialis) is not only poisonous, it warns possible vermin against consuming the particularly poisonous tubers with a strong garlic odor. This smell of onions is what small rodents like Voles and keeps moles at bay. It is therefore particularly effective if you put several imperial crowns in the flowerbed plant.

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  • Use the imperial crown to take action against the vole in the garden without using any chemicals or violence
  • Natural remedies against ticks in the garden - tips for ecological tick control
  • Plant the imperial crown in your own garden

Warning: limited effectiveness

With the effectiveness of brute methods such as snap traps or forbidden poison bait, the use of the imperial crowns as a biological rodent repellent cannot directly compete. Critics of this method therefore argue that the smell of imperial crowns is justified has a locally limited effect and thus voles and moles do not completely drive themselves out of the garden permit. However, the pleasant side effect of this can be seen in the

April and May Use flowering plants to protect rodent delicacies in the form of other flower bulbs from access. Simply place several imperial crowns between other bulbous plants or around the roots of young fruit trees so that the scent barrier is effective.

Part of a deterrent strategy

Even if the imperial crown alone does not drive the annoying mole out of your garden oasis, so the use of the attractive plants can at least be part of a strategy for biological mole defense be. After all, nature offers you numerous other possibilities with which a non-violent "deterring" the unpleasant soil disturbance is quite possible. In parallel to the smell battle with the Kaiserkrone you can also:

  • the construction work of the underground tunnels with manual filling or the Garden hose hinder
  • Pour fermented elderberry manure into the openings in the grave passages
  • When cutting hair, pick up hair and put it in the mole ducts as a deterrent
  • build an acoustic mole defense with wind propulsion

Tips & Tricks

So that you can use the scent of the imperial crown as extensively as possible against moles, you should allow the plants to self-sow or one Multiplication Force over the forming bulbs.