Planting garlic »It will definitely work with these tips

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When is planting time?

Garlic develops its optimum when it is in October set will. If you miss this date, you will get another chance in February. The harvest is then a little smaller because the tubers lose volume.

also read

  • Growing garlic - this is how it works on the balcony and in the bed
  • Snack or spicy side dish - toast garlic
  • Sow or stick garlic? - It is definitely easy

What should the location be like?

So that garlic can develop its full aroma, experienced gardeners offer it the following location conditions:

  • a sun-drenched location, warm and protected
  • nutritious soil, humic, loose and fresh
  • like sandy-loamy, without the risk of waterlogging

In the bucket or Flower box(€ 149.00 at Amazon *) Knoblauch also finds ideal conditions for splendid growth on a sunny balcony, preferably on the south side of the house.

Which seedlings are recommended?

Excellent seedlings should be as fresh as possible. In this regard, you should rather rely on offers from specialist retailers. Cut an onion into several toes and let it dry for a few days. It is better to sort out garlic cloves with discoloration.

Unless you have the sowing favor of seeds, friendship with a garlic gardener pays off. Just ask for some broiler onions.

How is garlic planted successfully in the garden?

If you follow the instructions below, you have the best chances of a rich garlic harvest:

  • Rake and carefully weed the soil at the planting site
  • if you like, you can work sifted garden compost into the clod
  • Put the garlic cloves 6-7 cm deep into the ground
  • Garlic seeds are only half as deep in the earth

Plant garlic at a distance of 15-20 cm so that you can rake unhindered later, fertilize and can water. A row spacing of 45-50 cm also simplifies maintenance.

Does garlic get along with all of its neighbors?

Garlic is considered to be a natural aid in combating pests and diseases. Of course, not all plants in the garden benefit from this protective mechanism.

  • Good neighbors are: strawberries, carrots, cucumbers, beetroot, parsley
  • Bad neighbors are: all kinds of cabbage, peas, beans, leeks

Which maintenance measures are important?

The care of garlic is limited to 3 central aspects:

  • keep the soil constantly moist
  • fertilize with compost every 14 days
  • rake and weed regularly

When is garlic ready to harvest?

Regardless of which one Planting time Once you have decided, garlic will be ready for harvest by August. At the latest when the flowers wither, you should get the bulbs out of the ground. Those who can't wait will reap theirs home grown garlic even before flowering. In this case, however, there are no bulbs available for propagation.

Tips & Tricks

Although garlic is perfectly hardy, warm soil is a major factor in improving the quality of the harvest. After planting, spread one Mulch film off, the sun's heat stays longer in the ground for the benefit of rich garlic bulbs.


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