Maintaining the weeping willow »This is how the willow feels most comfortable

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Care measures

  • to water
  • Fertilize
  • Cut

to water

Actually, the weeping willow with its extensive root system gets enough groundwater. The optimal location is therefore also near a garden pond. If your garden naturally has very dry soil, you should water the weeping willow regularly. Exceptionally, more is more. Because unlike many other tree species, the weeping willow tolerates waterlogging. Moist or even wet soil is a basic requirement for healthy growth. Especially on hot days you can easily get one for a while Water hose let it run over the substrate.

also read

  • Here's how to keep your weeping willow small
  • Cutting weeping willow
  • Diseases of the weeping willow


The weeping willow does not have to be fertilized. from Complete fertilizer is even not advisable due to intolerance. Compost, on the other hand, can never do any harm. It is best to work in a layer of organic fertilizer when you plant the weeping willow.


The weeping willow loses a lot of leaves in autumn. Instead of throwing this away, it is best to use the withered leaves to spread them around the trunk as soil enrichment. That saves work and money.


The weeping willow is extremely easy to care for. Only in terms of pruning does it need more attention than other trees. If you have a sufficiently large plot of land, it is not absolutely necessary to shorten the branches. Only when the leaves fall on the neighboring property or sidewalks should you return several times a year saw to grab. The same applies when storms threaten to break off branches and cause personal injury or property damage. How to cut your weeping willow:

  1. Choose an overcast, warm day.
  2. Spring is best.
  3. Start with the lowest shoots.
  4. Work your way from the outside in.
  5. Remove all brown and old branches ...
  6. ... as well as all cross-growing branches
  7. Finally, you prune the supporting branches.
  8. Feel free to trim the branches back two-thirds of their length.

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