Making seeds and seeds

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Making seeds & seeds - tomato seedsAs soon as spring approaches, hobby gardeners and plant enthusiasts are drawn to garden centers and online shops to source all kinds of seeds for flowers, vegetables and exotic species. After all, every breeder is doubly proud when the plants are grown themselves. Ultimately, this requires a lot of patience, care, specialist knowledge and, above all, time. The results speak for themselves, however: professionals breed wonderful seeds thanks to seeds they have bought or picked themselves Specimens that are often grown purely organically without the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers will.
A very exciting matter, both for beginners and experts, is the choice of the variety. In fruit and vegetable growing in particular, these questions often arise about the seeds: Which varieties are particularly high-yielding, bulletproof and at the same time resistant to various pests and diseases such as the wrong ones Mildew?
Seeds or Sowing seeds is therefore not easy with "putting seeds in soil." Done. "To paraphrase, but a science in itself. In the "Seeds and Seeds" guide you will find out everything you need to know about obtaining and storing seeds and buying them of seeds, the sowing itself and tips on particularly recommended varieties of flowers, green plants, vegetables and Exotic.

Exotic plants can also be grown from seeds. Anyone who, for whatever reason, cannot travel to distant countries and bring seeds or small plants with them from there does not have to do without them. You can buy larger plants, but most of them have more fun growing plants from seeds and watching the exotic plants grow. Usually these plants need a lot of warmth and light, but are otherwise often very easy to care for. In any case, you can get very special specimens without major financial expenditure and have a lot of fun with them.