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That is why the rhubarb blossom is not wanted

The rhubarb plant is primarily interested in becoming multiply. To this end, she makes herself pretty in spring to attract the indispensable pollinators. Thanks to their splendid flowers, there is a good chance that bees will visit Bumblebees and colleagues.

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Rhubarb invests all its energy in the formation of its opulent flower and the subsequent seed stand. The growth of the coveted, refreshingly sour sticks falls by the wayside. Intervention by the gardener's hand is therefore essential, given the short duration Harvest time.

Never cut off the rhubarb flower

Given the nature of a rhubarb plant, it should, if at all possible, never come into contact with a knife. There is a great risk of subsequent rot formation at the interface. That goes for the harvest as well as for the removal of the flower:

  • Grasp the flower at the base of the stem with your fingers
  • at the same time turn clockwise and pull on it
  • Do not trim any remaining remnants with the knife

If the rhubarb blossom is broken out in this way, the wound heals completely on its own within a short time. The plant immediately reallocates its energy and the tasty stems continue to grow more intensely.

Rhubarb blossom is edible

The enchanting flower is far too good to be carelessly disposed of in the compost. Smart hobby gardeners have found that it can be prepared very well. Recipes in connection with sweet sauces are making the rounds. It is definitely worth a try.

Anyone who does not trust this version of a use can use the rhubarb blossom for decoration in the house. In the vase it will serve as a special eye-catcher for a long time, provided it is supplied with fresh water every 2 to 3 days.

Flowering does not mark the end of the harvest season

The rumor persists and yet belongs in the realm of fables. It is not the flower that signals this End of seasonbut Midsummer Day at the end of June. This fact applies regardless of whether you remove the rhubarb flower or not.

After the 24th In June it is advisable to end the rhubarb harvest for two reasons: The plant should regenerate for the next season. The content of more poisonous Oxalic acid increases in summer. The bloom is in no way related to this.

Tips & Tricks

If you find it difficult to do without the beautiful rhubarb blossom, simply plant Chinese rhubarb (Rheum palmatum). This lavishly flowering ornamental shrub harmonizes perfectly with the other plants in the Perennial bed and makes it a little easier to do without flowering on the crops.