What to do with the old water barrel?

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The material is crucial

Depending on what material your Rain barrel certain rules for disposal apply. If you ignore these rules, you face a fine.

  • Plastic tons
  • Tons of metal

also read

  • How to build your own rain barrel
  • How to connect your rain barrel to the gutter
  • How do you drill a hole in the rain barrel?

Plastic tons

If your copy is a very small plastic rain barrel, you can usually dispose of it with your household waste. Before doing this, however, you should shred the rain barrel so that it fits easily into the garbage can. Otherwise, arrange a collection date with the bulky waste. In some regions you will have to pay for the pick-up. With a little luck, you can also hand in your model to a waste disposal facility. Certain plastics are even recyclable. If this is not the case, you will from now on eke out a living in the landfill.

Metal rain barrels

Metal bins, on the other hand, must never be disposed of with household waste. If you try to hide the container between other rubbish, the garbage disposal may even refuse to take it with you. Normally the rain barrel is scrapped like scrap metal. A private collection by the waste disposal office is also possible here, as long as your rain barrel weighs less than 100 kg.

Note: The rules for disposing of a garbage can vary from region to region. As a precaution, in case of doubt you should contact your local waste disposal office to avoid trouble.

Alternatives to disposal

Always keep in mind that a rain barrel - even if it is properly disposed of - always creates waste. How about if you misappropriated the old bin and used it in a different way. here learn, for example, how to plant your rain barrel. If you personally cannot find a use for the model, perhaps a lover will show interest and buy the bin from you.

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