How much sun can it take?

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Better not to have a place in the sun

The place directly at the window, which is often favored for indoor plants, can only be considered to a limited extent for a dragon tree for various reasons:

  • the direct sunlight is often too strong
  • there can be strong temperature fluctuations
  • the dry heating air is poorly tolerated by the dragon tree

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Dragon trees need for a healthy growth although quite a bit of brightness, but they also tolerate Locations with a rather semi-shady character or very indirect supply of natural daylight. Thus, a space on a shelf or room divider can sometimes be a much more advantageous choice and preferable to the space on the window sill. Windows facing east or west with a few hours of morning or evening sun per day are optimal, however To compensate for the dry heating air, you should then regularly sprinkle the leaves with a little finely atomized water spray.

Different subspecies like and tolerate it with different brightness

There are all sorts of things in trade Types of dragon trees with sometimes very different colors of the leaves. If you have already selected a permanent location for the greenery, you can also take into account the respective location or location when selecting the variety. Take light needs. The rule of thumb here is that species with clearer variegation (the drawing of the leaves with lighter Edges etc.) generally tolerate more light and prefer them than dragon trees with relatively green colored ones Scroll. This is because the less green leaves also contain less chlorophyll.

Occasional turning maneuvers make sense

Dragon trees have the peculiarity that they are with their Shoot tips always grow in the direction of the greatest brightness. This can result in plant growth that tilts to the side at a window, for example. To prevent this from happening, just rotate every one to two weeks or every time to water the dragon tree in the pot by a small piece.


It is basically possible not too dragon trees on one sunny balcony to treat yourself to some fresh air in summer. However, you then have to gradually acclimate or use the plants to the increased solar radiation. Provide appropriate shade, otherwise a "sunburn" will quickly lead to one time brown spots and subsequently to Fall of the leaves.

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