Plant according to the lunar calendar

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Read the gardener's lunar calendar correctly

In the lunar calendar you will find symbols for the different types of plants:

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Symbol (drawing) Type: Which includes: Zodiac signs
Leafy vegetables Vegetables whose leaves are harvested such as salads and herbs Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Flowering vegetables Herbs harvested in bloom such as savory or Nasturtiums. Vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. Aquarius, Libra Gemini
root vegetable Plants whose roots are used: potatoes, carrots, beetroot. Herbs like parsley root and valerian. Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus
Fruit vegetables Varieties whose seeds or fruits are consumed: pumpkin, peppers, tomatoes, peas, beans. Herbs like dill and caraway seeds Sagittarius, Aries, Leo

With the help of the symbols, you can see at a glance which days are particularly suitable for planting or sowing the respective group of plants.

When are the best planting days?

Vegetables, shrubs and trees should always be planted when the moon is descending. In addition, it is important to pay attention to which zodiac sign our cosmic companion is currently in:

Is the *Moon in taurus,* This date is ideal for sowing or planting crops in which the power is gathered in the roots.

You should have vines and climbing plants at *Moon in Gemini* bring into the earth. All of the other growths that you plant at this point often remain thin and powerless. If you have placed seeds in the seedbed on this day, it is possible that these will be attacked by the falling sickness and will die.

Is the *Moon in cancer,* Anything you plant will thrive. Not only leafy vegetables grow very well and flourish splendidly.

The power of *Moon in Libra* is particularly suitable for setting anything that blooms.

After this *Crab moon* applies the *Scorpio and fish moon* as one of the most fertile characters. If you plant leafy vegetables on this day, you can expect a rich harvest.

You should have fruit trees at a *Sagittarius day* insert.

For planting root and winter vegetables, the planting time has come when the *Moon in Capricorn* stands.


Do not confuse the descending and waning moon. The Moon descends in the signs of Cancer to Capricorn and rises in the signs of Aquarius to Gemini. If you are unsure about this, you should always take a look at our lunar calendar.

Avoid bad days

If the planets are very unfavorable to each other, you can confidently make yourself comfortable in a deck chair and enjoy the beauty of the garden. Nature needs these rest days and you would go to that today Gardening do, so it could be that much of the effort of the previous months is undone.

The moon in Leo is one of the most unfavorable constellations, because there is a risk that all of the seedlings will absorb too little water and wither. If the moon is in Virgo, you should refrain from planting vegetables.


While the above dates are ideal for planting, there is no need to stoically stick to them. Especially in spring it is sometimes too cold to plant tender young plants, no matter how good the moon may be. Then you'd better wait until the external conditions are right. In the future, pay attention to the moon constellation during care work, you can still look forward to a good harvest.

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