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Plant the slipper flower properly

Plant the gardenSlipper flower only in the bed when the ice saints have said goodbye in mid-May. Choose a place in a lime-free, humus soil in the partially shaded, humid and rather cool location. Soak the potted root ball in lime-free water in advance until no more air bubbles rise. In the meantime, dig spacious planting holes at a distance of 20-30 cm to enrich the soil with leaf compost, Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) or bog soil. Now insert the potted flowers deep enough that the substrate reaches just below the lower pair of leaves. Finally, pour soft water and spread a layer of mulch.

also read

  • Is the slipper flower poisonous?
  • Slipper flower - tirelessly in bloom
  • Slipper flower - care, fertilization and reproduction

Care tips

The linchpin of a successful cultivation of slipper flowers is the choice of location. If all relevant framework conditions are met here, the maintenance program is limited to the following points:

  • Keep the substrate evenly moist with lime-free water
  • Repeatedly spray leaves and flowers with a fine mist of soft water
  • Apply liquid fertilizer every 8-10 days during the growth and flowering period
  • The garden slipper flower in the bed every 14 days fertilize with acidic leaf compost and horn shavings

Wilted flower stems are cleaned regularly for months of flowering. Shortly before the end of annual indoor calceolaria, harvest the seed heads or take cuttings for propagation. If you have winter storage for the garden slipper flower in store, cut the plant back by a maximum of two thirds and store it in the dark, cool cellar. Until next spring, water very little and do not give any fertilizer. In April, repot the overwintered plant and gradually get it used to more light and higher temperatures.
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Which location is suitable?

All Calceolaria species prefer a bright, not full sun location with temperatures between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius. Even under ideal lighting conditions, the sensitive beauties cannot tolerate cold drafts, bad room air and certainly no tobacco smoke. The exotic plants feel in good hands at the north window, on the partially shaded to shady balcony and in the low-light, cool bed.

What soil does the plant need?

The slipper flower likes to stretch its delicate roots in humus, well-drained and primarily lime-free soil. In order to meet these requirements in indoor and pot culture, we recommend the use of bog soil as a substrate. If you like to mix yourself, add 1 part garden soil and 1 part standard or azalea soil, 2 parts leaf compost and something Lava granules.(€ 14.00 at Amazon *)

When is the flowering time?

The lush Calceolaria hybrids for indoor cultivation delight us with a wintry bloom from January to May. The plants then die. In contrast, the garden slipper flower (Calceolaria integrifolia) or the two-flowered Slipper flower (Calceolaria biflora) from June to August / September in the bed and on the balcony in Scene. In order for the tropical flowers to hold out for a long time, cut off the withered flower stalks promptly, to just above the next bud.
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Cut the slipper flower correctly

A slipper flower cultivated as an annual should be cleaned regularly to make room for new flowers. Use the sharp, disinfected scissors just above the nearest bud. If overwintering is on the plan, cut the plant back by half to two thirds before putting it away. In addition, no cutting measures are required.

Water the slipper flower

During the growth and flowering period, water the slipper flower evenly with soft water. Avoid overhead irrigation at all costs so that the delicate flowers are not damaged. The distinctive flowers are immensely grateful for a very fine spray mist with filtered rainwater.

Fertilize the slipper flower properly

In the pot and Flower box(€ 149.00 at Amazon *) the nutrient reserves are quickly used up. Therefore, fertilize the slipper flower every 8-10 days during its growth and flowering period with a liquid, low-lime preparation. In the bed, the exotic grace is happy to accept a portion of leaf compost with horn shavings every 14 days.


Native to the sun-drenched regions of South America, a slipper flower lacks any winter hardiness. As a result, the exotic plant is mostly grown annually in our regions, especially since it is quite inexpensive to buy. Robust species such as the garden slipper flower (Calceolaria integrifolia), however, have the potential to hibernate. Place the pruned plants in the bright, cool cellar. Water every now and then without adding fertilizer.

Propagate slipper flower

At the end of its flowering period, the slipper flower presents us with small capsule fruits, bulging with fine seeds. The seeds obtained can be sown between December and February. Do not cover the light germinator with substrate and ideally place the seed pots in the heated indoor greenhouse. At a constant 18 degrees Celsius, you keep the soil constantly slightly moist. After germination, the temperature is lowered to 12-14 degrees Celsius. Prick out the strongest seedlings in single pots if they have at least 2 pairs of leaves. Of course, we can only look forward to the first bloom of slipper flowers from seedlings in the following year.

Propagation by means of cuttings is more straightforward. To do this, cut off 5-7 cm short, non-flowering side shoots during the flowering period and defoliate them in the lower part. Maintain the Calceolaria in small pots with poor substrate on the partially shaded windowsill at 14-18 degrees Celsius.

Slipper flower in a pot

On the Flower bank From the north or west window, the tropical slipper flower conjures up a bright flower pile in the middle of the cold season. Cultivation in the pot will go smoothly if you take the following measures to heart:

  • Use a slightly acidic, loose and nutrient-rich substrate, such as azalea or bog bed soil
  • A pottery shard above the floor opening effectively prevents waterlogging
  • Water the slipper flower evenly and spray regularly with lime-free water
  • Apply liquid fertilizer every 8-10 days from January to May

Consistently clean out withered flower stems so that the plant does not deal with the energy-sapping seed growth. At the end of their heyday, the opulent Calceolaria exhale their floral life and are disposed of.

Is slipper flower poisonous?

The slipper flower is almost certainly not poisonous. Since there is currently a lack of scientifically sound knowledge in this regard, we advise nevertheless from the use of the pretty flowers for the decoration of food and drinks or one Consumption.
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Nice varieties

  • Gold bouquet: An innovative new breed with golden yellow flowers that is impressive in the bed and on the balcony; 20-25 cm
  • Goldari: Valuable F1 hybrid, robust, richly blooming in bright yellow; ideal for flower borders and the balcony; 30 cm
  • Goldcap: The dwarf variety captivates with yellow, red dotted flowers and a compact habit; 10-15 cm
  • Sunset Orange Bicolor: Premium variety with large, yellow-orange spotted flowers for beds, balconies and windowsills; 25-30 cm

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