Wintering rose cuttings »Location and care

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Hibernate rose cuttings in a light and frost-free environment

As part of the cut care of Roses knowledgeable hobby gardeners keep an eye out for suitable cuttings for propagation. By late autumn, rose cuttings had developed a small, delicate root system. Planted in the bed, the young offshoots have little to oppose the freezing cold. For this reason, freshly rooted rose cuttings should hibernate once to gather strength for a life as opulent rose bushes. The suitable framework conditions are easy to generate:

  • Temperatures: frost-free at an ideal 3 ° to 10 ° Celsius (at least 1 ° C., at most 15 ° C.)
  • light: light to partially shaded (no direct sun)
  • Rule of thumb: the less light, the colder it can be

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The recommended light and temperature conditions are aimed at ensuring that your rose cuttings do not shed the leaves. Then the offshoots can concentrate in the next year on quickly taking root in the bed instead of investing valuable energy in the shoot.

Suitable winter quarters for rose cuttings - table

In or on the house and even in the garden there are many ways to rooted To offer rose cuttings winter quarters. The following table provides an overview with information on the best light and temperature conditions in each case:

Winter quarters light temperature tip
Glasshouse bright to shady 0.5 ° C to 3 ° C Set up fan heater with universal thermostat
Winter garden (tempered) bright to sunny 8 ° C to 15 ° C with shading
balcony South or west side 0.5 ° C to 15 ° C wrap up, put on wood
Cold frame (high, transparent cover) bright to partially shaded 0.5 ° C to 10 ° C with Natural heating
Garage / garden shed bright to partially shaded 0.5 ° C to 10 ° C with frost guard
Winter tent bright to sunny 0.5 ° C to 15 ° C with shading u. Frost Guard
Stairwell bright 8 ° to 15 ° C with lighting
room bright to shady 8 ° to 15 ° C unheated

In the endurance test at 500 meters above sea level in the mountains, the greenhouse with fan heater and universal thermostat has proven itself excellently. Even though a fresh -18 ° Celsius was reached outside in winter, the power consumption was surprisingly low. The heater was set so that it switched on at an internal temperature of 0.5 ° Celsius and switched off again at 2 ° Celsius.


Do you still have a free spot in the winter quarters for your rose cuttings? Then rooted cuttings of lavender like to overwinter at this point, Hydrangeas and other flowering trees. Each cut back from Ornamental shrubs produces potential offshoots in droves that take root better in warm spring soil.