Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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to water

The water requirement differs depending on the age of the plant. Freshly planted trees need more water in the growing phase than fully grown shrubs. Water young plants regularly and thoroughly for the first year. The top substrate layer is allowed to dry between watering.

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Once the shrubs have developed a branching root system, the need for water is reduced. With their deep-reaching roots, the plants can draw moisture from the lower soil layers so that they can survive long periods of drought. In extreme drought, you should occasionally use a watering can.

Temporary ball dryness can be tolerated by the plants without any problems. If the roots dry out more often over a longer period of time, drought stress occurs. Shoots and leaves die off and the plant becomes susceptible to attack by pathogens, pests and fungi.


Juniper grows in sandy and poor locations. The nutrient requirement is low, so that regular fertilization is unnecessary. If you want to accelerate growth, fertilizing with compost is recommended. Spread this around the trunk and work the material lightly into the soil. Compost is given in the spring before budding.

Alternatively, you can supply the plant with juniper fertilizer from specialist shops. This special fertilizer is used for juniper plants that are cultivated as bonsai.


Juniper does not require regular pruning. Annual pruning measures encourage new growth and ensure that the shrub grows compactly and develops dense branches. You should already form young plants and only remove green branches.

The ideal time to cut is before budding in spring. Hedges are cut trapezoidally so that the lower areas get enough light. Round off the edges. This also increases the incidence of light. There are special stencils that make the cut easier.

How to cut properly:

  • first remove dead branches
  • then carry out a shape cut
  • work from top to bottom
  • Place scissors in the forks of branches
  • do not leave any stumps as they are prone to disease

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