The most important types at a glance

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How many kinds of efeutute are there?

So far, 15 species are known worldwide. In the room, varieties are usually grown that have green leaves with white patterns. However, there are a number of varieties that are patterned differently.

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  • Efeututen need a climbing aid
  • Efeututen do not form offshoots
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In the trade there are mainly species that have green leaves with white inclusions. Species such as Epipremnum mirabile are also available in specialized nurseries.

Other names of the efeutute are clay plant and golden tendril.

Efeutute does not bloom in the room

Efeututen do not bloom in room conditions. Even outdoors, the climbing plant rarely bears blossoms. It is multiplied in the house via cuttings, because there are none Offshoot forms.

Since the flowering of the efeutute is irrelevant, the climbing plant is only grown because of the leaves.

The foliage of ivy is depending on the species yellow-green or dark green and provided with stripes or spots in different colors.

Presentation of different types of Efeutute

  • Epipremnum aureum "Golden Queen" - golden yellow leaves
  • Epipremnum aureum "Marbel Queen" - creamy white leaves with green stripes
  • Epipremnum aureum "Wilcoxii" - green leaves with a yellow pattern
  • Epipremnum variegata - depending on the variety with striped leaves and white, yellow or light green pattern

Leaf color only when there is sufficient light

The Efeutute only gets its conspicuously variegated leaves if it is sufficiently light. In shady places, the leaves remain green without the noticeable pattern.

If the leaves of the ivy are very pale, the plant is too sunny. Find one Locationwhere it gets more indirect light.

If the leaves turn yellow at the edges, you have probably fertilized too much. Be with it Fertilize carefully and use less fertilizer than recommended on the package.


Efeututen need a lot of warmth and a sufficiently high level of humidity. Temperatures should never drop below 15 degrees. The humidity needs to be increased, especially in winter, by spraying the leaves with water and placing bowls with water.