The flowering time of the beautiful deciduous tree

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When does the ash bloom?

The ash tree is a specialty during the flowering period. It takes place before the leaves emerge. Thus, the deciduous tree blooms quite early from March to May.

also read

  • Ash profile
  • The age of the ash
  • The growth of the ash

Features of the flower

  • greenish
  • lateral panicles
  • hermaphroditic or unisexual

Formation of flowers only in old age

However, before the first buds appear, you will have to be patient if you have planted a young ash tree in the garden. The first buds do not sprout until the age of 20 at the earliest and the ash becomes manable. In the stand, the flowers show up even later. Then they appear for the first time from the age of 40 or 45. Compared to the maximum life expectancy - an ash tree can live up to 300 years - this is a rational relationship.

More interesting facts

The flowers of the ash are quite inconspicuous in their external appearance, but they have it all. In allergy sufferers, they trigger strong reactions. Since it is a deciduous tree of the oil family, the birch, a relative, also blooms at this time. The complaints are therefore often twice as intense. In addition, the ash produces a very large amount of pollen.

Furthermore, the ash is the only deciduous tree that is pollinated by the wind. The flowers can be either male or female.

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