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How to design dahlias

When pinching, shoots of perennials and flowers are shortened when they are still soft. The ideal time has come in early summer. The plants branch out at the interface and grow bushier. At the same time, by doing this, you promote the bloom formation. However, the flowering period is postponed a bit. If you only cut part of the stems, the flowers will open with a delay and you will enjoy a longer flower pile.

also read

  • How to pinch roses
  • When do dahlias bloom? Everything about the heyday of the georgines
  • Hibernating dahlias outside rarely works


Varieties of dahlia are good for pinching. It does not matter whether it is an annual or a perennial variety. If you do not shorten the ornamental shrub, it will develop a long stalk with a flower. If you cut off the main shoot, georgines will form many flowering side shoots. They grow more compact and fall apart less easily because the stems support each other.


The earlier you start the measure, the more compact the plant will grow. The tweezing takes place from May to June and can then be carried out several times during the summer. However, you should

Dahlias do not cut in dry periods, because then the flowering plants are dependent on every water reserve.

The cutting technique

Pinch the plants when the flower stems have grown to about 8 inches high. The interface should be about five to ten centimeters above the ground and directly above a leaf axis, because this is the only way the shoot can sprout again. To extend the flowering period, you shouldn't cut all of the stems. The flowers will grow larger if you leave some of the flower stems. Experiment with the specimens and watch how they develop.

Tips for trimming back:

  • clip off soft shoots with your fingernail
  • cut through harder tissue with scissors
  • Regularly clean withered flowers

Special feature: Chelsea Chop

This cutting technique, which originated in England, is a variant of pinching that pursues the same goals. It was named after the Chelsea Flower Show, which takes place in May each year. During this time, flowers and perennials are pruned again, even if they have set numerous buds. With this method, the focus is on a coherent overall picture in the Perennial bed with all plants.

How it works

Cut the outer shoots on the perennial back to a third of their height. In this way, the plant flowers first in the middle, while the newly set flower buds at the edge open later. The side shoots grow stronger and protect the longer stems from kinking. This technology also allows design leeway. So you can only shorten the front parts of the plant in order to cover bald spots in the back area.