A guide from A to Z

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Which location is suitable for copper beech?

Copper beeches like it sunny to partially shaded. The location does not have to be protected as the tree is robust and weatherproof.

also read

  • The best time to plant copper beeches
  • Plant a hedge of copper beeches
  • Blood beeches are quite easy to multiply

What should the plant substrate be like?

  • Slightly humic
  • somewhat damp without waterlogging
  • slightly calcareous
  • permeable
  • pH between 5 and 7.5

How big should the planting distance be?

As a single tree, the copper beech needs a lot of space around itself. The tree should be at least five meters away from other plants so that it comes into its own.

At the Plants as a hedge the minimum distance is 50 centimeters.

When is the best time to plant?

The best Planting time is autumn, in October or November.

What should be considered when planting?

Two people should always plant a larger copper beech. Dig a sufficiently large planting hole and insert the root ball straight in.

While one person holds the tree upright, the second pours the soil back up and treads it firmly.

A plant stick prevents the tree from growing crooked in the first few years.

Can the copper beech be transplanted later?

A younger copper beech can sometimes still be implemented. The older the tree, the more difficult it is to get the roots out of the ground. We therefore advise against transplanting.

When does the copper beech bloom?

the Copper beech flowers from the end of April for a few weeks. The fruits ripen in September and October.

How are copper beeches multiplied?

the Multiplication takes place via the sowing from Beechnuts or by pulling cuttings. This requires a tree that grows in the wild and has not been pruned for a long time.

Can copper beech be grown as a bonsai?

Blood beeches are very popular as bonsai drawn. You can be very good cut and just need to be repotted regularly.


When planting copper beech in the garden as a decorative deciduous tree, keep in mind that the Beech roots spread strongly. Maintain sufficient distance from neighboring properties, house walls and sidewalks.