Indoor plants and plants in winter

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Indoor plants do not come to rest completely. But the lack of light in winter often gives them a lot of trouble. If you can set it up, you should provide additional lighting during the cold season. This gives the plants strength. Plants that are supplied with additional lighting over the winter are also less likely to be attacked by pests. The dry heating air can be improved by spraying the plants frequently. Watering is only sparing in winter, and fertilizing should be completely stopped during this time, even for indoor plants.
Even in winter, indoor plants are extremely grateful for a lukewarm shower, we should treat them to it every few weeks. This removes dust from the leaves and our indoor plants can breathe a sigh of relief.
In winter, there are some basic things to consider when dealing with indoor plants. The cooler a plant is, the less it is watered. At least the top layer of soil must be dry before watering again. Standing moisture must be avoided at all costs. Plants that are watered daily in summer receive water every three days at the earliest in winter. Water is watered at room temperature, not cold.

It is also important to avoid drafts and cold floors. When ventilating the window abruptly, the plants must be removed from the window. Many do not like the cold at all and shed their leaves. But since ventilation is important, it is better to put the plants in a warmer place for a short time.
Indoor plants require special care in winter, because during the actual cold period, many plants are kept in warm living rooms and are often endangered by pests. Here are a few tips and tricks to get the houseplants well over the winter.

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