Make vole bait yourself

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What do voles eat?

Voles are pure herbivores and particularly like to nibble on roots, vegetables and grass. A “normal” mouse bait made from ham or cheese is not at all attractive to voles. Instead, you should Vole food To fall back on.

also read

  • The diet of voles: know and use
  • Do voles hibernate?
  • Mole or vole in the garden? - How to find out the difference

Make non-toxic vole bait

Root vegetables are great as vole bait. It is best to put a selection of different goodies in the trap so that every vole taste is hit. Voles also find apples appetizing. It is important that the vegetables are fresh and therefore smell delicious.

Here are a few ideas for the vole bait:

  • celery
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • potatoes
  • Jerusalem artichoke

Avoid strong smelling roots such as garlic, onions or herbs!

Equip the vole trap with the bait

When equipping the vole trap, you can do a lot wrong. In order for the mouse to really fall into the trap, you should note the following:

  • Under no circumstances should you touch the vole trap with your bare hands!
  • Before use, clean them with water without detergent!
  • Leave it outside (preferably in the rain) for a few days so that it loses any smell of people, plastic or chemicals.
  • Equip the vole trap with the bait using odorless gloves.

Voles have very fine noses and naturally avoid humans and their smell.

Poisonous vole bait

If you want to poison the vole, you should use a vole bait available on the market. There are different ones Vole poisons that we offer you here introduce. The costs are between 15 and 20 €.

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