Varieties, choice of location and care instructions

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Hardy lavender varieties for the garden

However, not all of the estimates can be made 25 to 30 types of lavender Plant out in the garden without further ado, after all, only the varieties of real lavender are available hardy in Germany. In particular, the one that is often planted due to its distinctive flower shape Coppy lavender as well as the very tall Speiklavender do not tolerate frost and should therefore do not overwinter outdoors. The following varieties are suitable for planting out and overwintering in the garden due to their relative insensitivity to cold:

  • Hidcote Blue
  • Munstead
  • Miss Katherine (specialty: pink flowers)

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  • White lavender has the same needs as purple varieties
  • Lavender - Different plant spacing for different types of lavender
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The varieties mentioned are only real lavender. Lavandin varieties (Lavandula intermedia) are only hardy, but not hardy. This also includes such attractive variants as the white blooming lavender "Edelweiss" , the purple “Grosso” or the light blue “Hidcote Giant”.

The right location for garden lavender

In addition to the right variety, must the location is also right. Lavender needs a sunny, sheltered spot in the garden. At partially shaded or shady locations, you will not enjoy your plants for long. In addition, the soil should be permeable and poor in nutrients, which is why lavender is excellent in Rock gardens or gravel beds thrives. The plant feels most comfortable in a south-facing location, perhaps on a non-shadowy, warming house wall.

Lavender is often touted as the ideal companion for roses, but these two plants go together visually, but not in terms of their needs. Roses need nutrient-rich, moist soil and need regular fertilization - in these conditions, however, the lavender dies quickly. Therefore, you should at least plant cultivated roses and lavender with a little distance and also prepare the soil for lavender accordingly. In the case of wild roses, on the other hand, things look a little different, because they have similar requirements to lavender.

Maintaining lavender in the garden

the Care of garden lavender is not that complicated. The plant does not have to be watered or fertilized regularly. Only a regular cut in spring and possibly in summer is necessary so that the lavender not lignified over time. You should also enrich the soil with a little lime once a year.

Tips & Tricks

Lady's mantle and are particularly suitable for cultivated roses Cranesbill as a companion. These have similar requirements in terms of location and care and also bloom similarly profusely.