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Capillary barrier

Every pond needs a so-called one at its edge Capillary barrier. It should prevent water loss through capillary action.

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  • Laying pond liner - this is how it is done correctly and professionally
  • Attach pond liner to concrete - what can you do?
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If the surrounding soil were in contact with the bottom area of ​​the pond, the capillary action of the soil would practically suck the water out of the pond. Inside the pond, the pond liner prevents this, but both layers meet at the edge of the pond.

Because of this, the pond liner must be used always led to the top of the ground and fastened there will. Otherwise the capillary action of the soil would pull the water out of the upper edge of the pond. A sign that something like this is happening are usually swampy areas around the pond. To prevent the liner from sliding down, you have to attach the pond liner to the edge.

Shore mats

Shore mats can be used to hide the raised pond liner. These are mats made of fiber and many pores. They allow a good hold for bank plants.

Depending on how the pond bank is designed, you place them Shore mat:

1. In a so-called bank terrace, 10 cm below the water surface, the bank mat is placed there and over the pond liner over the edge of the embankment drawn. While the pond liner still extends into the bank ditch and is attached to its end, the bank mat already ends in the ditch edge leading downwards.

2. In the case of steep pond banks without a bank terrace, the bank mat is pulled up over the steep bank and attached to the upper edge of the pond together with the pond liner. The pond liner is then continued and fastened separately (ideally wedged between two stones or two squared timbers)

On a side wall on the bank, the pond liner must be pulled up all the way and fixed. This is the case, for example, with:

  • Palisade walls
  • Stone walls
  • Walls made of wooden stakes

If such walls form a bank boundary, a strip can also be screwed onto the wall, under which the pond liner is attached. It is then folded over the bar again from above. the Embankment mat is then placed over it and conceals both the film and the bar.


Pay enough attention to the border design - it is extremely important. If you plan your pond yourself, it is best to talk to a specialist about your planned border design in order to avoid problems later.

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