A delicious, simple recipe

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Preserve the red cabbage

When processing red cabbage, you should definitely wear rubber or disposable gloves and a kitchen apron. The blue dye in vegetables is difficult to remove from skin and clothing.

  1. When shopping, choose well-closed and firm heads.

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For every 1 kg of vegetables, calculate one or two apples, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of lard, 1/4 l of red wine, 1/4 l of water, a little vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaf, Cloves and allspice grains. However, the strong spices should not get into the jar, because they will spice the red cabbage strongly during the storage time.

  1. Remove the first layer of leaves from the cabbage.
  2. Quarter the head and remove the white stalk.
  3. Cut the quarters into fine strips with a sharp knife or use a plane.
  4. Wash the cabbage in cold water.
  5. Peel and dice the apples and onions.
  6. Heat the fat in a large saucepan.
  7. Add the onions, then the cabbage, apples and spices.
  8. Cook the cabbage while adding the liquids until it is soft. Taste the red cabbage well. Make sure that there is enough liquid in the cabbage, because this is needed when boiling.
  9. During the cooking time, sterilize the mason jars in boiling water or for 10 minutes. at 100 degrees in the oven.
  10. As soon as the red cabbage is done, add it to the glasses while hot. The herb should be covered with liquid.
  11. Seal the jars and cook for half an hour at about 90 degrees.

Use either a preserving machine / wake-up kettle or your oven.
Pour enough water in the wake-up kettle so that half of the glasses are in it. In the oven, use the drip pan and pour about 2 cm of water here.
After the boiling time, the glasses remain in the switched-off oven / wake-up kettle and then cool completely under a cloth on the worktop.

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