It can reach this height

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What is the height of a columnar hornbeam?

Column hornbeams do not grow as tall as normal hornbeams. Also you Growth range is narrower than the other varieties:

  • Height: 10 to 15 meters
  • Spread: 4 to 6 meters
  • Growth per year: 10 to 40 centimeters

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  • You don't have to cut a column hornbeam
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  • What height can a hornbeam reach?

It takes many years for the columnar hornbeam to reach a height of 10 to 15 meters. The hornbeam is only considered fully grown at the age of 20 to 30 years.

It also only bears the first flowers at the age of 20 or 30. Fruits do not develop around 40 years ago.

Column hornbeams do not need to be cut

There Column hornbeam stay much slimmer and naturally have a slightly tapered shape, they don't need to be cut. In its natural shape, the columnar hornbeam is particularly suitable for larger gardens.

If you only have little space in the garden, maintain the columnar hornbeam as an avenue tree or if you want to limit its height, you can easily prune it back. The best time for this is early spring, the best time is February.

If necessary, you can cut back the columnar hornbeam on stick, i.e. down to the ground, without damaging it. It drives reliably again, but then needs a lot of water and additional nutrients.

Column hornbeams change their color

Column hornbeams look a little different every season of the year. In the spring they drift leaves with a delicate green.

In summer the hornbeam appears in a strong medium green. The autumn leaves turn bright yellow.

Like all hornbeam, the columnar hornbeam is not evergreen. the leaves dry up in autumn, but often stay on the tree until spring, so that the columnar hornbeam looks brown in winter.


As a native plant, hornbeams are very valuable trees from an ecological point of view. They give food to many insects and birds like to adopt them as breeding grounds. Even if you don't have a lot of space in the garden, you can use a column hornbeam or one High trunk make a contribution to nature conservation.