Chestnut bark is bursting

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Why is the bark bursting?

When researching the cause of the crack in the bark, it is important to know when you discover the crack. If it occurs in winter, then it may be frost damage. If moisture pulls into the trunk and freezes there, the bark will burst. This risk is particularly great when temperatures fluctuate greatly between day and night.

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The reason for the cracking or even flaking bark on the chestnut may also be one of the reasons illness, more precisely a fungal attack. Two different pathogens can be primarily responsible. On the one hand there is the fungus Phyttophtera, which triggers the so-called bleeding chestnut, and on the other hand the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica, which causes chestnut bark cancer. The chestnut shrimp occurs mainly in the Sweet chestnut on.

Reasons for flaking bark:

  • Damage from frost or extreme temperature changes
  • Chestnut Crab
  • "Bleeding Chestnut"

Can the chestnut still be saved?

Since damage to the bark is a welcome gateway for various tree diseases and Pests be sure to react quickly. If no fungal infestation can be detected and the crack appeared in winter, then a lime coating may be sufficient to protect your chestnut from major damage. It prevents pests from settling and protects the bark from further stress cracks.

With a fungal infection trimming The infected parts of the plant generously. Then close the wound so that no new germs can enter and disinfect the tool used. Although the cancer sometimes heals on its own, you shouldn't wait too long. When the fungus spreads, parts of the chestnut die, later the whole tree. The fungus can also be transmitted to other trees, including oaks.


Occasionally the chestnut crayfish appears in a weakened form, then the tree has a good chance of dealing with the disease on its own.

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