How do you drive away the pests?

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Cabbage white butterfly, Earth fleas, Cabbage weevils and whiteflies are annoying pests that attack plant tissue and hinder the plant's growth.

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Cabbage white butterfly

Large holes in the kohlrabi leaves and an accumulation of white butterflies in the garden indicate that the cabbage white butterfly is infested. He lays his eggs on the plants. Later, the caterpillars eat holes in the leaves or drill into the plant and poison it with their excrement.

Remedy: - Check the underside of the leaves for yellow eggs and yellow-green, black-spotted caterpillars

  • Collect and mash eggs
  • Destroy caterpillars
  • a vegetable net may help

Earth fleas

The young leaves of the kohlrabi are perforated like a sieve, and tiny little ones sit on the leaves black or yellow-striped beetles that can jump: This is an infestation with Earth fleas. They mainly colonize young plants and inhibit plant growth, especially in dry weather.

Cabbage weevil

Hollow, spherical growths on the main root or on the root neck of kohlrabi plants indicate an infestation with the cabbage gall weevil. The small, gray weevil lays its eggs on the plant stalks. The larvae, which feed on the plant tissue, sit in the growths.


  • Sort out infested young plants


Who doesn't know that - you touch the kohlrabi and startle a swarm of white flies. White flies are about 2 mm in size, usually sit on the underside of the leaves and damage the plant by sucking.

The leaf surfaces are coated with a sticky honeydew. This in turn is a breeding ground for various fungal diseases. Heavy infestation leads to withering and death of the kohlrabi plant.


  • Spread out fine-mesh vegetable protection nets
  • floor fertilize and pulling weeds regularly (deprives food sources)
  • Use of chemical agents such as Neudosan AF aphid free, Naturen AF or Neem;
    preferably in the morning
  • Try organic remedies such as tobacco stock or a solution of soft soap

Tips & Tricks

Anise and mugwort - two plants that cabbage whites don't like. If you plant them to accompany cabbage, it should be safe from infestation.