Is the pistachio tree hardy?

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Protect pistachio trees from the cold outdoors

You should only use pistachio trees outdoors in such locations plantsin which it is very sunny and warm. The soil should be well dry. If the humidity is too high, the roots will rot.

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The temperatures in winter must not drop below minus ten degrees. Then the branches and roots will freeze to death.

To be on the safe side, a pistachio tree should be protected from the cold outdoors in winter.

Winter protection for the pistachio tree

Cover the earth with a foil or jute sacks that protect the soil from heat loss. Mulch blankets aren't as good as they add too many nutrients to the soil.

Protect the branches with straw or other suitable material. Make sure, however, that the tree still gets enough air.

You don't have to water the pistachio tree in winter. The tree needs almost no moisture during the rest period.

Hibernate potted plants

If you grow your pistachio trees in a bucket, you should set them up outdoors in summer. This is the only way to fertilize the flowers by the wind.

In winter, place the tubs in a frost-free place. Temperatures around ten degrees are sufficient. Since the tree loses its leaves during the rest period, it does not need as much light as in summer.

Bring the pistachio trees into the house at the latest when the temperatures outside are approaching freezing point.

Suitable overwintering opportunities for pistachio trees

  • Frost-free basement staircase
  • dry basement room or
  • Attic with a small window
  • Corridor window
  • Unheated winter garden
  • North window sill

Care during the winter

Let the soil in the bucket almost dry out over the winter and only pour very little water when the potting soil appears completely dry.

Check the tree for pests from time to time.

Tips & Tricks

Because of the cold temperatures in Germany plant yours out Pistachio seeds Grown pistachio trees are best in a bucket. The trees in the house can be easily overwintered in this at low temperatures.