Tomatoes have yellow leaves

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These diseases produce yellow leaves on tomatoes

Fungi and bacteria of various origins are primarily suspicious of yellow leaves on tomatoes. The following Infectious diseases are possible and should be treated immediately:

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Leaf spot disease (Septoria lycopersici)
Watery spots with a black border develop on the yellowed leaves. As the process progresses, the leaves wither and fall off. The fruits themselves are spared. Since they are no longer adequately supplied, the harvest very low.

  • remove and burn all infected leaves
  • Spray the plant with skimmed milk
  • certified Seeds use from specialist retailers.

Bacterial wilt (Corynebacterium michiganense)
The foliage turns yellow from below. Cut stems show brown-yellow vessels. After blossom most of the leaves fall off. Unsavory spots develop on the fruit.

  • Rigorously remove and destroy diseased plant parts
  • Pay attention to meticulous cleanliness Skimming and cut back
  • Loosen and sand compacted soil
  • not too nitrogen-stressed fertilize

These pests suck the life out of the leaves

The following two have become the usual suspects of causing yellow leaves on tomatoes Pests particularly distinguished:

Whitefly - (Trialeurodes vaporariorum)
The tiny, white flies and their brood mercilessly suck the sap from the leaves. The leaves turn yellow, are covered with sticky honeydew, wither and fall off.

  • in the Outdoors spread a close-meshed insect net
  • in the Glasshouse Spread beneficial insects such as lacewings or two-point ladybugs

Thrips - (Thysanoptera)
The black fringed wings produce yellow leaves in two ways. The adult insects suckle on the sap, while the larvae nibble on the roots.

  • Spray tomato plants with the classic soft soap solution
  • alternatively with Primary rock meal powder
  • blue glue boards catch the thrips
  • Use beneficial insects, like Predatory mites and hoverflies

The solution to the riddle for yellow leaves: nutritional deficiency

If diseases and pests can be ruled out as the cause of yellow leaves, the experienced hobby gardener is far from at the end of his line. It advances a deficient one Nutrient supply targeted. If the following minerals are missing, the starving tomato plant reacts by yellowing its foliage:

  • Eliminate nitrogen deficiency through targeted fertilization Nettle manure
  • older leaves turn yellow; magnesium, potassium or phosphorus are missing
  • if young leaves turn yellow, there is a lack of iron, zinc or copper

Tips & Tricks

The professional provides a well-founded knowledge of the exact composition of the soil in the tomato patch Soil analysis. Qualified laboratories have specialized in this and offer this service at a reasonable price. With the help of instructions, soil samples are taken and sent by post. The laboratory not only provides an informative result, but gives practical suggestions for fertilization.

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