Transplanting Buddleia »You should pay attention to this

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Autumn is the best time

For successful installation, it is best to dig up the buddleia while it is resting. During the vegetation phase, the plant could quickly resent you for such a measure, but in autumn - am best in the months of October to November, when the ground is still warm - nothing like this should be done oppose. If that is not possible, the shrub can also be transplanted in early spring, if possible before the budding in March or April. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the soil is already free of frost.

also read

  • Can you still transplant an old buddleia?
  • Yellow leaves on buddleia - causes and measures
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How to move a buddleia - step by step

Before the actual implementation cut First of all, reduce the buddleia by about a third. This measure is important so that the balance between the upper and lower, supplying parts of the plant is maintained. After all, some of the roots are always lost when transplanting, with the remaining roots no longer being able to adequately supply the above-ground shoots. Cutting back prevents this. It continues as follows:

  • Tie the shoots loosely with a piece of string or similar. ä. together.
  • Now cut off the root ball.
  • Choose a radius that is roughly three quarters of the original height.
  • Now lift the root ball with the help of a Digging fork from the earth.

The adhering earth can remain on the plants, it makes it easier for the buddleia Growing at its new location. There you mix a generous handful with the excavated material Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) and compost for an optimal start.

Careful care makes it easier to grow

So that the buddleia grows properly, you should water it thoroughly after planting and regularly supply it with plenty of water in the following days. However, be careful not to cause waterlogging. When transplanting in autumn, protect the moved buddleia with a Mulching the root disc from adverse weather conditions to which it will react more sensitively than usual.


You can use the cut wood and shoots Multiplication of the flowering bush.

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