Wintering celery »This is how it works

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The frost-free, dark winter quarters

The celery finds ideal conditions for wintering in an old, brick cellar Clay soil. Here the temperatures are usually between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius and the humidity is high.

The tubers are stored in heaps or wooden stairs with moist sand. Basements with heating pipes or heating systems are unsuitable because they are too warm and dry!

Alternatives to the basement

If you don't have a cellar, you can store the celery in a ground rent in the garden or an empty one Cold frame to use.

Prepare celery for storage

  • late ripening sorts are more durable
  • remove the leaves after harvest to prevent premature wilting
  • Store only intact tubers without bruises and injuries
  • Do not wash celery
  • Let dry in a dry place

Tips & Tricks

For the ground rent, a pit about 30 cm deep is dug with Wire mesh(€ 65.90 at Amazon *) lined and filled with sand. Straw or a wooden board is used for covering and closing.