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Deterrent properties

Birds avoid anything that can kill them. This includes people, birds of prey, and cats. When they see this danger, they will fly a wide berth around them.

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To be on the safe side, they also keep their distance from things that they cannot accurately assess. Things that move, glow or make any kind of sound.

A good Scarecrow makes use of the aforementioned, ideally it combines several deterrent aspects at the same time.

Human-like scarecrow

Everyone has the image of a human-looking scarecrow in their heads. It is placed in private gardens and fields to keep birds away and not cause damage. Now you can make your own individual creation. You will need the following materials and tools for this:

  • a wooden slat 2 m long
  • a wooden slat 1 m long
  • rough-sawn and approx. 3 x 5 cm thick
  • Saw, hammer and nails
  • Burlap, straw
  • Scissors and string
  • old clothes, hat

Handicraft instructions

  1. Point one end of the long lath so that the scarecrow can be hammered into the ground later.
  2. Attach the shorter lath across the long lath, about 1.5 m from the pointed end. It forms the outstretched arms.
  3. Choose a suitable place in the garden and hammer in the wooden frame about 30 cm deep with the hammer.
  4. Shape a head by wrapping straw around the lath.
  5. Put linen over it and tie it up at the bottom with twine.
  6. Put the scarecrow on old clothes, as colorful as possible, and put a hat on it.
  7. If you feel like it, you can also make hands out of straw.


Fasten the hat tightly so that the next breeze doesn't blow it into the neighboring garden.

Sparkling scarecrow for the balcony

A small balcony usually does not offer enough space to set up a large scarecrow. But there is always a place for a small scarecrow. Old CDs are ideal because they shimmer in the sun and thus irritate the birds.

  • provide several CD’s
  • draw a human face on each CD
  • Glue on straw or woolen threads as hair

Attach CDs

Pull a nylon thread through the hole of each CD so that it can dangle in the wind after hanging.

You can turn a wooden slat into one Flower box(€ 149.00 at Amazon *) and screw two smaller wooden slats onto it to form a cross. The CDs are attached to the four ends. Perhaps you will discover other suitable suspension options on your balcony.

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