Grow sycamore as a bonsai

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Fast-track starting shot - this is how it works

The cultivation of a sycamore maple Seeds extends over many years. The "fast bonsai" process gives you a specimen with which you can quickly start the creative work. It's that easy:

  • Select young, 200 cm high sycamore maple with a beautiful trunk and well-grown roots
  • With a sharp, disinfected saw shorten to 30 to 50 cm
  • Potting in a bonsai pot with a mix of 2 parts Akadama and 1 part each Potting soil and perlite

also read

  • Common Sycamore Diseases - Tips for Combating
  • How fast does a sycamore grow? - Overview of growth per year
  • Planting sycamore maple - this is how it works

If you come across the ideal specimen as a boulder in a garden or park, please ask the owner if you can dig up the young sycamore maple.

Properly caring for sycamore maple as a bonsai - this is what you should pay attention to

A sycamore maple feels in good hands in a sunny to partially shaded location surrounded by air. Acer pseudoplatanus is suitable for almost all styles, whereby a height of 50 to 80 cm is recommended. The focus is on the following maintenance measures:

  • Water regularly with normal tap water, several times a day in summer
  • Apply liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks from spring to autumn
  • Pruning branches during the deciduous period, but not in spring (sap flow)
  • Remove thicker twigs, ideally in summer
  • From the end of May, one to two-year-old branches wire into the desired shape

Although a sycamore maple is completely hardy, there is a risk of frost damage in the small-volume bonsai pots. You can plant older saplings in the garden for the winter, under the protection of large deciduous trees. It is best to overwinter a sycamore bonsai in the construction phase in a light, frost-free winter area. Alternatively, you can place your pupil in a large wooden box on a thick layer of bark mulch and place the improvised winter quarters in a sheltered garden niche.


While regular pruning on sycamore bonsai is important for targeted growth control, this does not apply to its imposing conspecifics in the garden. Cut You can only use an adult Acer pseudoplatanus in exceptional cases according to the minimum principle. So that the valuable tree does not bleed afterwards, a day between October and December is recommended

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