How to decorate harmoniously

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This is what distinguishes a Feng Shui front garden - central components

A lot of chi enters your home from the front yard. The more positive you and your visitors are when you enter the house, the better the basic ideas of Feng Shui are fulfilled. Therefore, take a look at the front yard from a distance and subject the appearance to a detailed examination according to these criteria:

  • The first glance is noticeable Garbage cans and bikes?
  • Do the garden gate and enclosure look inviting?
  • Is the access path wide enough and easy to walk on even when it is wet?

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  • Design a garden according to Feng Shui - this is how it works
  • The money tree in Feng Shui philosophy
  • Designing a front garden with gabions - creative ideas

In particular, a dead straight path to the entrance door is rated as aggressive and repellent according to Feng Shui. Curved paths, on the other hand, convey harmony and peace.

How to give design expression to Feng Shui - tips for the Bagua grid

The linchpin of the Feng Shui philosophy is the bagua grid. Here, around the Thai-Chi center, the eight most important areas of life come together in a clockwise direction, each activated by a certain element. The following overview illustrates the relationship that can be transferred to the front garden design:

  • Career enhanced by water, like a water feature
  • Fame reinforced by fire, like a fireplace
  • Family and wealth, each reinforced by wood, such as a wooden bench or a trellis
  • Children and helpful friends, each reinforced by metal, like a lantern or a wind chime

The element earth dominates in the center as well as in the zones for partnership and knowledge. Here, for example, a hill bed is perfect for celebrating Feng Shui in the small front yard and at the same time simulating spatial expanse.


Is your front yard in Hillside location, the design aims to ensure that the positive energies do not flow unchecked towards the street. You can do this by slowing down the flow of energy with a curved path. Furthermore, an emphatically massive demarcation in the form of a wall acts as a symbolic bulwark against the 'Chi' that escapes too quickly.

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