This is how it thrives best

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Pull watercress on the windowsill

You can also do this on the windowsill Growing watercress. However, you will need a large planter and an inner pot with a drainage layer made of coarse gravel or pottery shards. The planter must be filled with fresh water every other day. So the watercress can always draw plenty of water.

also read

  • How to properly plant watercress
  • The right location for watercress
  • When is watercress season?

How much water does watercress need?

Watercress needs a lot of oxygen-rich water. It is best to stand by a flowing body of water, for example a stream. If this is not possible, then it must be watered at least every other day. If the watercress does not have enough water, it becomes more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Watercress in winter

The watercress is considered hardy. It tolerates frost down to -10 ° C without any problems. At lower temperatures you can give it winter protection made of fleece. However, it is important that the water in which the watercress is standing does not freeze.

Typical diseases of watercress

If the watercress with its roots is always in fresh water, then it is relatively insensitive to diseases and pests. Your biggest enemy is the snail. Before that, you should protect your watercress as much as possible and remove any snails.

Also lice, mildew and fungi can target your plants. If you use chemical means to combat it, the watercress is no longer edible. If you cut back the plant and wait for the new shoots, you can hope for an early harvest.

Harvesting the watercress

The watercress is one of the few plants that you can still harvest from in your own garden in winter. From September onwards, the spring young plants are big enough for you to start with harvest can begin. This then lasts until May, just before the watercress will bloom.

The essentials in brief:

  • partially shaded location
  • hardy plant
  • lots of fresh water
  • Can be installed on the windowsill

Tips & Tricks

With watercress you also have the opportunity to harvest vitamins in your own garden in winter.


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