Rock garden on the raised bed

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Build a raised bed

Building a raised bed is basically not that complicated: all you need is a border at the desired height, the one with shredded twigs, compost and lean on top Rock garden soil is filled. The raised bed box usually consists of wooden slats, but can also be made of other materials.

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Gabion with quarry stones as a border

A gabion filled with rubble stones, for example, is visually appealing, especially for a planned rock garden. This means baskets of different lengths and widths that are filled with stones and are therefore quite easy to design stone wall represent. These are wonderfully suitable for a rock garden, if only because moisture can easily drain away and waterlogging is prevented. Alternatively, a dry stone wall is also very suitable for the border of a raised bed.

Raised bed embedded in a rock garden

You can of course set up the raised bed singularly, for example as a highlight on the lawn or next to the terrace. In addition, it can also be implemented as an integral part of a larger dry stone wall, for example a slope-supporting dry stone wall. There are many design options, but a raised bed can be set up even if there is little space. It can look very special in an existing rock garden, for example, if the raised bed perhaps with particularly rare mountain plants as a kind of micro-landscape in the context of the larger ones is integrated.

Plant a raised bed as a rock garden

Basically, the same rules apply to planting the rock garden raised bed as to planting a regular rock garden. With one exception: because of the limited space available, you should preferably choose smaller ones Plants, whereby cushion plants also grow very well over the border and hang down on the walls can. For example, it is very suitable for this purpose Upholstery phlox, one of the typical rock garden cushions. There are also small species that are wonderfully suitable for a raised bed.


They also do very well in the raised bed rock garden Mediterranean herbs as well as different types of grass with their interesting leaf colors.