Raising a walnut as a bonsai »How to properly care for the mini tree

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Bonsai - short definition

Bonsai is the Japanese version of an ancient type of garden art from the Far East. With this kind of garden art, shrubs or trees are grown in small containers or in the open air to limit growth and shape them aesthetically. The special art form probably originated in China - there it is called Penjing.

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Walnut tree as a bonsai - possible?

Experienced hobby and professional gardeners know: Not every plant is suitable for being kept as a bonsai - and the walnut tree actually belongs to these "difficult cases" (as do other nut trees even). Basically, a walnut tree cannot be grown as a real bonsai.

One can only try to grow a larger bonsai from one meter in height.

Walnut bonsai tips

The fact is that a walnut tree can only be "transformed" into a bonsai from the age of about four. First of all, you have to Germinate walnut and plant the seedling in a pot so it can grow as usual.

In the spring after these two years, the first root cut must be made. During this act, it is important to ensure that there are enough fiber roots. In this case, you can gradually shorten the taproot of the tree by a third at a time. Step by step means:

  1. Shorten the taproot by a third after two years.
  2. Put the plant back in the pot.
  3. Wait at least two years.
  4. Shorten the taproot again by a third.

The Plant pruning You should then only do this once a year in August or September - due to the growth cycle ‘. The walnut bonsai needs enough energy to sprout again in the next year. In addition, the tree bleeds a lot. The wounds close fastest in summer.

Warning: bonsai walnuts are sensitive to fungi. In order to prevent the fungus from penetrating the cuts, you need to work particularly cleanly. Otherwise whole branches will die off.

Grow the walnut as a bonsai in the garden without exception - the tree is out of the question for room keeping. Frost-free wintering is important - if necessary, leave the shell deep in Garden soil a.

Finally, I would like to point out that the experiment of keeping a walnut tree as a bonsai can also fail. Be aware of that.