Propagate the grapevine by cuttings

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Step by step from offshoot to young plant

If the grapevine is in full sap in summer, this is the best time for one Multiplication by offshoots. The technique recommended below scores points not only with its uncomplicated handling, but also guarantees the exact transfer of the positive attributes of the mother plant to the offspring. Choose an annual, pliable tendril. Proceed as follows:

  • pull the vine to the ground
  • Where two buds touch the ground, create a groove 10 centimeters deep
  • Score the shoot a little with a razor blade
  • Only dig into the channel so far that the tip of the shoot protrudes from the ground with 10-20 centimeters

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If the tendril shoots up again, it is weighted down with stones or fixed with staples. You tie the end of the drive to a wooden stick with string. In the further course of this, a shoot will indicate whether the rooting is successful. Until then, the sinker remains connected to the mother plant so that it supplies it with nutrients. Ideally, keep the soil slightly moist during this phase.

Recognize the right time to break up

If the growth goes according to plan, a self-sufficient root system has developed from the buried buds and the wound tissue by autumn. If you feel stable resistance after pulling gently on the lowering element and re-sprouts the tip of the shoot, nothing speaks against separation from the mother plant. Cut the young plant with a sharp knife.

The fresh root ball is with the spade or the hand shovel dug up a large area. In the new location, plant the young grapevine and maintain this from now on like an adult specimen.

Tips & Tricks

A grapevine in the bucket is also to be propagated by lowering. To do this, place a pot filled with lean substrate in the immediate vicinity. Place the tendril there in order to dig the incised middle part of the shoot with 1-2 buds into the substrate. The rooting takes place just as quickly as in the garden bed.