Recognize and fight pests

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Which pests can occur?

  • Scale insects
  • Spider mites
  • Mealybug
  • Thrips

The sooner you discover a pest infestation, the easier it is to fight it. So check the leaves of the Kentia palm regularly.

also read

  • Yellow leaves of Kentia palm - signs of pests
  • Don't water the Kentia palm too much
  • Why does the Kentia palm get dry leaves?

How to recognize the pests on your Kentia palm

At the latest when the leaves of the Kentia palm yellow discolor, dry up or look crippled, you should examine the palm for pest infestation.

Scale insects can usually be removed with bare eye recognize. Spider mites however, the best way to discover it is to spray the fronds with water. You will then find small webs in the leaf axils. Mealybugs and thrips leave sticky marks on the fronds. Thrips are also often found on the underside of the leaves.

Fight pest infestation immediately

As soon as you spot pests on the Kentia palm, it's time to take action. The longer you wait, the more the uninvited guests spread. Isolate infested plants immediately to keep other house plants healthy.

If possible, shower the Kentia palm fronds with lukewarm water to rinse off the pests. However, the water jet should not be too hard. In stubborn cases, tackle the lice, mites and thrips with soft brushes or cotton swabs and a little alcohol.

Cover the pot with foil before putting the Kentia palm in the shower. Otherwise, fallen pests could hide there and spread again.

Prevent pests

Pests mainly occur when the Kentia palm is in a location with very low humidity. Pest infestations occur more frequently, especially in winter when the rooms are heated.

Increase the humidity in the room by regularly spraying the leaves of the Kentia palm with lukewarm, lime-free water. It is also helpful to place bowls of water near the pots.


Kentia palms are sensitive to most control sprays. It is better to use special plant sticks against pests that are inserted into the plant substrate.

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