When and how is it done?

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When is the right time?

Experience has shown that the substrate in the tub is depleted after 2 to 3 years, so you should repot your maple in fresh soil. If root strands have already grown out of the opening in the ground, the measure will be applied earlier. The best time is at the end of the winter dormancy, shortly before the leaves appear in spring.

also read

  • How to properly care for maple on the balcony - tips for beginners
  • Does maple depend on winter protection? - Tips for wintering
  • Caring for maple properly - tips for care

Preparatory work - how to properly pot maple

When the substrate has dried on, it is easier to change to a new bucket. Careful preparation of the root ball and pot support growth. That is how it goes:

  • Run a sharp knife between the edge of the pot and the root ball
  • Spread out an old blanket to lay the bucket on its side
  • Grasp the maple at the root neck and pull it out of the vessel

Remove all remnants of the disused soil by shaking or rinsing the root ball. While the roots are draining, clean the pot if it can be used again.

Potting skillfully - you should pay attention to that

If the previous pot was crowded, please use a larger bucket. As a rule of thumb for the correct diameter, there should be two fingers' widths between the root ball and the edge of the vessel. How to proceed:

  • In advance, create a drainage made of potsherds or gravel over the water drain in the bottom of the pot
  • Cover the drainage with a thin, water and air permeable fleece
  • Pour in a few handfuls of fresh substrate
  • Grasp the maple at the root neck, insert in the middle and pour in fresh soil
  • Press down on the substrate repeatedly so that no voids are created

Please make sure that the previous planting depth remains unchanged. It will make watering easier later if you fill in the soil up to 2 cm below the edge of the pot. So nothing can spill over. Finally, pour plenty of water into your repotted maple.


Repotting is not necessarily associated with pruning. In this process, no root mass is lost, as is the case with Transplanting is the case in the bed. It is therefore your horticultural decision to shorten shoots that are too long after changing pots.

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