This is how you keep unwanted guests away

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Insect control in the house

  • Determine the origin
  • Room fragrance

Determine the origin

If you notice an increase in the number of insects around your home lately, you should find the source that attracts the animals. These are often

  • Fruit scraps
  • diseased plants
  • humidity
  • or leaks on doors and window frames

also read

  • Fight pests with insects
  • Biologically repel insects
  • Nesting aids for insects in your own garden

The smell of overripe food in particular attracts insects as they smell food here. But weakened plants are also a welcome source of food. In addition, animals are looking for Overwinter mostly warm places. Rooms with high humidity are particularly popular, especially since the brood can develop ideally under these conditions. This is exactly the real problem. Although adults are a nuisance, they have already had most of their lives behind them. To stop the insect infestation, you need to remove the larvae and thus prevent them from continuing.

Room fragrance

Light scented candles or spray room spray in the rooms. Most of the time, the insects run away automatically.

Insect control in the garden

  • plants
  • Predators
  • Garden maintenance


Numerous plants have essential oils whose aromas drive away insects. These include, for example:

  • basil
  • mint
  • lavender
  • as well as citrus

Planted in the bed, the plants mentioned prove to be an effective insect repellent.


Lure with bee willows and Nesting aids natural predators like

  • Parasitic wasps
  • Ladybug
  • Lace or hover flies

in the garden. If this does not succeed, small bags are available in stores from which the predators can hatch.

Garden maintenance

Make sure that you do not provide breeding grounds for insects. These include

  • open water points
  • long grass
  • Compost heap
  • Animal droppings and pollution

When is chemistry allowed?

There is only one answer to this question: not at all! No matter how immense the insect plague may seem, there is always an environmentally friendly means. If the household remedies mentioned do not help, specialist retailers also offer organic insect control agents.