When, how and with what?

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Are all bushes fertilized equally?

Of course not all have Types of shrubs the same nutrient requirements, which is why not all of them may be fertilized equally. Still, there are some similarities. In the first years of growth, for example, the need for nutrients is higher than that of an older shrub that has already reached its final size. Here, needs-based fertilization, for example with ripe compost, makes sense.

also read

  • Planting bushes in autumn - tips and tricks
  • Pruning bushes in the spring - tips and tricks
  • How to plant shrubs - tips and tricks

Your bushes aren't underplanted, then a layer of bark mulch keeps the weeds small and the soil moist. Also optically Mulch(€ 239.00 at Amazon *) preferable to bare ground. However, since the mulch layer removes nitrogen from the soil, you should reduce this effect with the application of Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) before the Mulching mitigate.

What role does the soil play in fertilization?

The poorer the soil on which your bushes stand, the more important it is to provide additional nutrients. Fertilizer contributes to rapid growth, especially during the first few years. A humus-rich, loose soil, on the other hand, does not have to be upgraded. Here you should only use shrubs with a very high nutritional requirement

fertilize. Some shrubs need a special fertilizer to adjust the pH value, for example.

What should I look out for when fertilizing shrubs?

Before putting any fertilizer generously on your Shrubbed you should first find out what your plants actually need. Ideally, do this even before plants, because not only the nutrient requirements can be different, but also the requirements for the pH value, lime tolerance or permeability.

The essentials in brief:

  • Fertilizing in the first encourages growth
  • Limit the amount and frequency of fertilizer after a few years
  • Give horn shavings before mulching
  • ideal under older shrubs: lawn clippings


Older shrubs usually no longer need extra fertilization; mulching with lawn clippings is ideal here.

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