Storing apples »This is how they last the longest

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Which varieties can be cellared well?

In the past, apples that were properly stored and kept fresh throughout the winter were appropriately called storage apples. This term is hardly used today and if you ask for suitable varieties when buying an apple tree, many tree nurseries no longer know what to do with it. You can recognize good stored apples by their harvest time: the earlier an apple variety is ripe, the faster you should consume the fruit.

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You can store these varieties very well:

  • Red Boskoop
  • Pilot T
  • Jonagold
  • Idared
  • Golden Delicius
  • Gloster
  • Boskoop
  • Rubinets
  • Topaz

Apples and pears should not be mixed

That's an old saying. This is because apples and tomatoes should be stored separately from the rest of the fruit and vegetables. They release ethylene, a plant hormone that triggers a natural ripening process and causes vegetables and fruits to spoil more quickly.

Apples are vitamin-rich chilblains

Apples are considered a little tricky when it comes to the correct storage temperature. They love it to be very cool, but frost-free. The optimal temperatures for storing apples are between one and three degrees.

If you want to store the apples properly, an old vaulted cellar would be, if possible with it Clay soil, ideal. Unfortunately this has become rather rare today. But an unheated basement room with a relatively high level of humidity is also suitable. This is an alternative Garden shed(€ 84.99 at Amazon *) provided that the temperature here does not fall below freezing during the cold season.

Store only cool apples

Warm, sunny autumn days invite you to pick fruit. However, you should not bring the fruit warmed by the sun directly into winter storage. In order to be able to keep for a long time, the fruits have to cool down.

Storing apples properly: here's how to do it

There are various things to consider here so that the fruits do not rot and spoil prematurely:

  • Before storing the fruit, check it carefully for any damage. Only fruit that is in perfect condition is put into winter storage.
  • Make sure that the apples do not touch each other on the sides.
  • Place the apples in fruit boxes or on shelves with some space between them so that the air can circulate.
  • Boards and fruit boxes must be absolutely clean and dry.
  • Store by type, so don't put Boskop next to Jonagold or Idared.
  • Make sure there is sufficient humidity and darken the room.
  • Check the fruit regularly for damage.

May apples in the refrigerator

Due to the temperature alone, the refrigerator is not an ideal place for storing apples. However, if you have no other option, you can store the fruit in the vegetable drawer for a short time. But make sure that the apples are separated from the fruits and vegetables. Wrap the fruits with a damp tea towel to keep them crisp.

Is that possible to freeze apples?

Apples contain a lot of water, which forms small ice crystals when frozen. As these take up more space than the liquid, the cell structure bursts. This changes the consistency and the fruits lose a lot of their taste. If you only have the option of freezing, you should therefore first process the apples into applesauce.

Apples, the ideal dried fruit

You can easily make your own dried apple rings and thus preserve the fruit for a long time. Proceed as follows:

  • Remove the apple casing and, if desired, the peel and cut the apples into fine rings.
  • Let it steep for five minutes in a mixture of sugar, lemon juice and water.
  • Place the slices side by side on baking sheets lined with baking paper.
  • Alternatively, you can use a dehydrator.
  • Let dry in a preheated oven at 75 degrees for about two hours.
  • A little cinnamon sprinkled over the dried rings underlines the aroma.
  • If packed airtight, the apple rings will keep for at least a month.


If you don't know what to do with the many apples from a large harvest, you can Process excess fruit into delicious apple juice. You can easily make smaller amounts of juice in your own kitchen, larger amounts can be extracted in a cider factory.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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