Its fruit and its characteristics (arbutus)

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Brief description of the strawberry tree fruit

  • The fruit of the strawberry tree is 2 to 2.5 centimeters in size, depending on the species.
  • When ripe they are orange-red in color and have a warty, leathery skin.
  • The floury fleshy pulp is bright yellow.
  • The aroma is not very sweet and sour. When fully ripe, it is vaguely reminiscent of melons or apricots.

Are the fruits edible?

According to legend, the name “unedo” goes back to a saying by the Roman scholar Pliny the Elder. “Unum edo”, translated means something like: “I'll eat one.” He points out that if you have tried one, you will certainly not eat a second strawberry fruit.

also read

  • Caring for the strawberry tree
  • Growing the strawberry tree
  • Is the attractive strawberry tree hardy?

But strawberry tree fruits are not poisonous. However, they are not easy to transport because they spoil quickly. Due to this fact and the rather bland taste enjoyed raw, they are only processed regionally.

Tasty specialties

The fruits of the strawberry tree contain a lot of vitamin C and pectin, which is why they are ideal as a base for jam. However, the shell and the small kernels do not completely dissolve; Once cooked, the spread must be passed through a sieve again.

In the Algarve, the clear schnapps "Medronho", which is typical for this region, is distilled from the Arbutus berries. A Sardinian specialty is the honey "Amaro di Corbezzolo". It tastes very intense and is a popular seasoning for both sweet and salty dishes.

Not poisonous, but a cure in fact

If you are traveling in the south and discover strawberry tree fruits, you can nibble on the edible fruits without worries. When fully ripe, they are quite edible and, due to their high pectin content, an excellent remedy for travelers' diarrhea.


Arbutus blooms in the cold season when in Germany there are hardly any insects around. This inevitably leads to problems with pollination, so that you have to forego fruit. However, you can help with a little brush and do the fertilization yourself.