This is how the sowing becomes a success

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This is how you prepare the seedbed in an exemplary manner

If there are no more frosts to fear from May, the sowing take place. In a sunny, warm and sheltered location with normal garden soil, please create a fine-crumbly seed bed. The soil is thoroughly loosened with the rake. Add a little sand to improve permeability. If the soil is particularly sandy-gravel, sifted compost compensates for the deficiency.

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  • How to multiply the chicory with seeds - tips for harvest and sowing
  • When does the chicory bloom?
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Sowing chicory - this is how it works

In the prepared seed bed, use a stick to make narrow furrows at a distance of 30 to 40 centimeters. How to properly sow the seeds:

  • Spread the seeds in the furrows
  • Sieve the dark germs with a 2 to 3 cm high layer of soil
  • Just press the substrate very lightly and water it with a fine shower head

So that the valuable seeds do not end up in the stomachs of hungry birds and other garden dwellers, spread a close-meshed protective net over the bed. In the days and weeks that follow, water and weed regularly. When the seedlings have reached a height of 5 to 6 cm, the young pathways are separated at a distance of 8 to 10 cm.

Flowers do not appear until the second year

The chicory thrives as a biennial plant. In the year of sowing, only a rosette of leaves forms. The following year the sky-blue flowers sprout in the Time from June to October. The resulting seeds are ideal for propagation, but you can proceed according to these instructions.


Different cultivars of the chicory bring us Eatable Crops. Well-known representatives are the subspecies chicory and radicchio; two very healthy vegetable and lettuce plants for a balanced diet. As diversity falls by the wayside as a result of one-sided mass production, countless local varieties are threatened with extinction. The cultivation of chicory and their subspecies in your own garden thus makes a valuable contribution to nature conservation.

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